furubafruits basket |
kurenothe rooster |
relationsa twisted web |
essaysin depth thoughts |
exeuntto freedom |
Kureno is rather unassuming. He isn't very tall and he makes every effort not to stand out. He is essentially Akito's shadow and he tries not to bring much attention to himself.
Kureno has short dark reddish-brown hair, like the color of leaves just before they turn brown. His bangs fall just below his eyes. He has chocolate brown eyes that match his hair. He wears button down shirts with slacks and sports coats or sweaters. Natsuki Takaya stated that she doesn't put him in proper suits because they make him look too much like Hatori. She also notes that he won't wear white shirts because it goes against his desire to blend in with those around him. During the winter he wears a long dark trench-coat.
Kureno is the rooster from the zodiac. However, like Hatori, who turns into a seahorse, rather than a dragon Kureno turns into a small bird that resembles a finch or a sparrow. While he never transforms during the course of the manga, the back of Volume 14 of the manga shows his true form. In it he is a shade of brown similar to his hair that lightens at his breast. When transformed he was able to fly. We know this because it is what he mourns most about his broken curse.