furubafruits basket |
kurenothe rooster |
relationsa twisted web |
essaysin depth thoughts |
exeuntto freedom |
Kureno is one of the oldest members of the current Zodiac. He is two years younger than the Mabudachi Trio and two years older than Ritsu. His age and position as Akito's aid makes him one of the few who know the entire truth of this generation's Zodiac. He is old enough to recall the day he woke up from a dream and knew god had been conceived. He also remembers that Akito is a woman (which he would likely be aware of any way to due to intimate nature of their relationship) and that it was the decision of her mother, Ren, to have her raised as a young man.
Sometime early after the start of high school (estimated by his school uniform) Kureno was spending time with young Akito only to find that his curse was suddenly broken without warning. Akito panicked when the curse was broken and begged Kureno not to leave. He was so moved by her tears that he was unable to leave. From that point on Kureno was bound to Akito not by his curse but by his word.
After that Kureno remained by Akito's side almost constantly. He attended to her every need and eventually became her personal aide. He performed many of the duties of the head of the family on her behalf and only travelled outside the family compound at her request or when she left the compound to visit zodiac members living on the outside.
It is because of this that at the age of twenty-six he entered a convenience store for the first time. There he met part time worker and full time high school student Arisa Uotani who would become a key person in his life. Despite his initial attraction to her he returned to Akito's side and remained there until the rest of the zodiac curses began to break. After being stabbed by Akito in a fit of rage he realizes that he has been holding Akito back from facing reality and that its time for him to move on. He moves out of the compound and gets a place with Arisa.