furubafruits basket |
kurenothe rooster |
relationsa twisted web |
essaysin depth thoughts |
exeuntto freedom |
Although his curse was broken prior to the start of the manga Akito reveals that Kureno's curse was the rooster of the Chinese Zodiac. He doesn't have the special abilities other characters who have, like Hatori who can erase the memories of those around him. Nor does he have a special place in the story, like Hatsuharu who people believe is dumb simply because he is the ox of the zodiac. What makes Kureno unique aside from how early his curse was broken, is the form his curse takes.
Kureno is embarrassed by his zodiac form when he was a child. Unlike other members who appear as the animal they represent Kureno transforms into a small bird, likely a finch or a sparrow. Because of his unique form Kureno was able to fly, in fact he was the only zodiac member who could do so. Despite the unique ability that Kureno had in his form he was always embarrassed by his transformation and he hated for others to see him that way.
Shigure's theorizes that one of the signs leading to the breakdown of the zodiac are the forms of zodiac members that differ from those in the story. This is as likely any theory as any because there is no real reason why he would bird rather than an actual rooster, at least in terms of plot. Natsuki Takaya, said she made him a bird because the form of a rooster didn't seem to fit his character.
The rooster of the Chinese Zodiac is considered to be loyal and punctual. While we don't know about his punctuality the series makes it clear that Kureno is loyal to those he cares for. He keeps his promise to stay by Akito and does so even to his own detriment.
The lucky colors associated with the rooster of the zodiac are gold, brown, and yellow. All warm earth tones that Kureno wears in the manga. The colors white and green should be avoided which falls in with Kureno's hatred of the color white.